PARTNER EVENT: PERRP Recordkeeping Training
Thursday, January 16, 2025 (10:00 AM - 11:00 AM) (EST)
PERRP Recordkeeping Designed for public employers Please join the Sedgwick safety team for a detailed webinar on how to complete your PERRP 300P Logs. This presentation is perfect for those that are new to the BWC’s recordkeeping requirements as well as for those that may need a refresher. During the webinar, we’ll discuss how to determine whether an injury or claim is recordable, as well as review the key requirements of the PERRP recordkeeping process including compliance dates, posting requirements and records retention. There will be examples and time for questions and answers, as well as information on how to submit your completed report information online to PERRP. This webinar is available on two different dates.