Post Overdose Response Team (PORT) Coordinator

The Post Overdose Response Team (PORT) Coordinator will deliver high quality, harm

reduction focused overdose follow-ups to individuals, families and businesses that have

experienced an overdose. The PORT Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating outreach

events with first responder partners, documenting every encounter with individuals, and

management of data into the CORDATA data collection system. This position will develop,

implement, and evaluate PORT policies and coordinate the overdose fatality and suicide review.

The PORT Coordinator will work with the Director of Health Promotion and Quality

Improvement to develop and present first responder training about harm reduction, substance

use, and overdose. The PORT Coordinator will be responsible for following up with individuals

after the initial visit and on an ongoing basis or as needed. The PORT Coordinator will support

various first responders and outreach staff to provide overdose prevention education, naloxone

distribution, and linkages to treatment and other resources for communities in Ross County,

Ohio. This is a grant funded position

Additional Info

Job Type : Full-Time

Education Level : Bachelors Degree

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