PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE II- Clinical and Case Management Services
The Public Health Nurse ulizes nursing and public health concepts and theories to provide
health promoon and disease prevenon services to individuals, families, and populaon groups,
in a variety of sengs. Provides Public Health Nursing Clinical Services for all ages in both clinic
and community sengs [e.g., assessment, history taking, Tb skin tests, immunizaons, collecon
of paent specimens (e.g., urine, sputum, stool, blood), point of care tesng or prepares
specimen for submission to laboratory, health screenings). Provides Case Management Services
for Children with Medical Handicaps and Children with high lead levels. Nursing acons are
directed toward the goals of prevenon, assessment, risk reducon and health status
improvement for individuals, families, and communies through systemac analysis of health
data, health educaon, advocacy, and coalion building. The public health nurse II posion is
funded through the Board of Health and may be supported by other grants within the Ross
County Health District.

Additional Info
Job Type : Full-Time
Job Function : Medical